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UX Research Methods

NameDescriptionDesign Framework
User Interviews1-on-1 discussion w/ a series of question on the topic in questionAttitudinal, Qualitative
Focus Groupsgroups of 3 or more users are led through series of topics, giving verbal and written feedback through discussion and exercisesAttitudinal, Qualitative
Card Sortingrefine information architecture by asking users to organize items into groups and assign categories to each groupAttitudinal, Qualitative
Usability Testing1-on-1 discussion w/ a given set of scenarios for user to interact w/ the productAttitudinal, Qualitative, Behavioral
Surveysmeasure attitudes of users through series of questions in a surveyAtitudinal, Quantitative
A/B Testingmeasuring user reaction on different designs with some design elements remaining constant between multiple user groupsBehavioral, Quantitative
Comparative Analysiscomparing products, concepts, or ideas to one another to draw similarities and differences.Qualitative
Contextual Inquirywalk through w/ user on tasks while inquiring & observing behavior (similar to field studies and was developed to study complex systems and processes)Behavioral, Attitudinal, Qualitative
Field Studiesstudying users interacting w/ the product in the environment they’re most comfortable in (work, home, etc) to measure their behaviorBehavioral, Attitudinal, Qualitative
Tree Testingtesting usability of information architecture to determine how easy it is to find items in the hierarchy (relates to card sorting)Attitudinal, Qualitative
Diary Studiesusers log or record daily activities, giving contextual insights about real-time user behaviors and needs w/ a productAttitudinal, Qualitative

Synthesis Methods

NameDescriptionSynthesis FrameworkResources
Affinity MappingOrganizing related facts & data into distinct clusters or categoriesPain Points, Needs, Wants InsightGuide, Template
How Might We’s (HMWs)Constructing how-might-we questions for problems to generate solutionsFeasibility, Pain Points, Needs, WantsGuide, Template
Empathy MappingVisualization of knowledge and insights of a particular user to understand userPain Points, Wants, Needs, InsightGuide, Template
User PersonasEmphasizing key ideas of target audience by making a user persona (reccomended types: gesalt or collaborative personas)Pain Points, Wants, NeedsGuide, Template(s)
User Journey MappingVisualization of user interaction with product to initial contact to maintaining user rententionFeasibility, InsightGuide, Template
The Five W’sUse the five W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why, to arrive at the core problemInsight, Pain Points, Wants, NeedsTemplate
Point of ViewA user need statement conducted from essential user insights (note: this is not your problem statement)Feasibility, Pain Points, Wants, Needs, InsightGuide
Crazy 8’sA core Design Sprint method & a fast sketching exercise that challenges people to sketch 8 distinct ideas in 8 minutesInsight, FeasibilityGuide, Template
Additional CommentsOrder of methods represents suggested order of completion where the previous method usually informs the next method. Should you choose to do more than one method, the order is a loose guide for your exploration.